Section 2.2.1

Adding a Question

When the test-maker clicks on the Add button, they are redirected to the Add a Question dialogue shown below in Figure

Figure Adding a Question

At first, it is a very simple dialogue with few inputs. It expands once the test-taker specifies what type of question they want to add. Difficulty and Estimated Time will be explained first, as they are the simplest.

Difficulty is scaled from 1-5, 1 being very easy and 5 being very difficult.

Estimated Time is in  minutes as a default. However, the test-maker can opt to make it in hours or days (though that would be a very long question).

Figure illustrates a more in-depth view of each pull-down menu.

Figure An in-depth view of the Add a Question dialogue

Class lists the classes the test-maker has already added in a pull-down menu, shown in Figure above. The pull-down menu also has the option to add a class. Since the test-maker hasn’t added any classes, he/she can add the class.

Once the test-maker clicks on the Add a Class… option under Class’s pull-down menu, the Add a Class dialogue pops up over the previous one, shown in Figure

Figure Add a Class dialogue

Major is the abbreviated major name (i.e. Computer Science would be inputted as CSC).

Course # is the course number. For example, if the test-maker is trying to add CSC 101 (Fundamentals of Computer Science I), the Course # would be 101.

Once these two fields are filled in, the test-maker can add the class and use it for adding a question, illustrated in Figure

Figure Filled in Add a Class dialogue

Back to the Add a Question dialogue (Figure, Type is a drop-down menu for the preset types of questions available.

Figure shows the Add a Question dialogue first part filled in, besides for Type. After the test-maker selects the type, the dialogue expands to show the rest of the form to fill out. This part is dependent on what type of question they want to create. For all questions, a box for the question is provided. The next sub-sections discusses this in further detail.

Figure Filled in Add a Question dialogue